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 MC Ren

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5 participants
Body Gardd
Body Gardd

Messages : 37
Date d'inscription : 28/07/2009

MC Ren Empty
MessageSujet: MC Ren   MC Ren EmptyMar 28 Juil - 23:06

Bon bien je vais poster la disco de mon Mec préféré MC Ren :[/b][/color]

Kizz my black Azz (1992)
MC Ren Mcrenbaf

Shock Of The Hour (1993)
MC Ren 4h6p3n-vazandadon

The Villain In Black (1996)
MC Ren 20pv4sw

Ruthless For Life (1998)
MC Ren MC+Ren+-+Ruthless+For+Life
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Body Gardd
Body Gardd

Messages : 37
Date d'inscription : 28/07/2009

MC Ren Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MC Ren   MC Ren EmptyMar 28 Juil - 23:09

Pour faire vite fait, Ren parle de son expérience avec NWA, tout le buzz que le groupe avait créé, le comment les postes de radio et les autorités ont décidés d'agir avec leurs texte très provocateurs envers les pliciers, il dit aussi que certainnes personnes considèraient les mebres du groupe comme des dangereux, ensuite il explique la chicane qui a conduit a la fin du groupe...
Ren parle aussi de sa collaboration sur l'album 2001 de dre;
Il parle aussi de ses croyences religieuses, le pourquoi il a décidé d'entrer dans la communoté de l'islam;
Il parle aussi qu'il a déja voulu faire un gros come-back mais il a abandonné le tout, il a déja eu des rumeurs qu'il sortirait un album en 2006...
Les fans attendent encore un come back du mec...

Citation :
As much as they are deservedly praised for their roles in creating a completely different genre of Hip Hop, the members of N.W.A. have by and large stayed in the spotlight by reinventing themselves. After his death in 1995, Eazy-E posthumously looms larger than he ever did while alive. Ice Cube can still spit classic verses, but he’s also remade himself as an A-list actor, producer and director. After releasing two classic albums, Dr. Dre sits atop the Aftermath Empire with Eminem and 50 Cent as his multi-platinum pupils. Hell, even DJ Yella pads his bank account by directing and producing porn. So what ever happened to MC Ren? Aside from a few stellar but sporadic guest appearances, “The Villain in Black” has maintained a relatively low profile over the last decade.
A conversation with Ren yields talk of picking his kids up from school, visiting the pyramids at Giza and fond memories of his N.W.A. days. Is this the end? Hardly. Before “The Doctor” and the “Don Mega” left N.W.A. to pursue solo success, it was Ren who cornered the market on reinvention. He received his own platinum plaques for Kizz My Black Azz and Shock of the Hour. The latter saw him trade his N.W.A. persona for an equally fiery and introspective one after converting to Islam.
Now, removed from the spotlight, Ren is up to his old tricks. He’s got his own movie plans, and he continues to embrace the contemporary artists who catch his ear. Furthermore, Ren now operates on both sides of the mic as an emcee and a producer. Not that any of this should come as a surprise. After all, Ren already did the reinvention thing back in the '90s. This is RenIncarnation.
HipHopDX: Everyone’s got their own N.W.A. stories. When I was in elementary school, my mom busted in on me listening to “Dopeman” and gave me the worst beatdown ever. Do you get a lot of those stories?
MC Ren: Yeah, man. I get a lot of the same type of shit. It’s just like how when I was little, we used to sneak and go listen to Richard Pryor. We used to get in some serious trouble for that shit [laughs].
DX: Good to know we were carrying on the tradition.
MC Ren: Yeah, man. Those tapes kept us coming back.
DX: You weren’t too far removed from those times when you started rhyming, and there were a lot of other groups from Compton putting out music when N.W.A. formed. Did you ever do anything with Mixmaster Spade, Toddy Tee, or Rodney O and Joe Cooley?
MC Ren: Nah, it was N.W.A. from the start. Before everything tripped off, [Eazy]-E signed me as a solo artist. This was around the time he first put out “Boyz N the Hood” independently. From that point on, he just snatched me up and put me in the group. Every since the beginning, it was N.W.A.—not knowing that shit was going to get as big as it did. Like you said, there were a lot of people out. So the chances of us just blowing up the way we did…that shit was unbelievable, even to this day.
DX: Given that, how far did you think it would go when you guys were signed to Macola and selling tapes out of the trunk?
MC Ren: When E put out “Boyz N the Hood,” Macola was who we took it to first. Even though we ended up dealing with bigger companies later on down the line, that shit was big to me. It was like walking into Def Jam or any other major label. We used to go up there every damn day. So I’m seeing these people in the music business that I think are really big. I was pumped up, and I really thought we were on our way. But looking back at it, it wasn’t until we got with Priority Records that things really got big. That’s where I was like, “Okay, this is it right here.”
DX: I read an old interview, where DJ Yella said Eazy-E was notorious for forgetting the lyrics to some of his songs. As the author of “Eazy Duz It,” “Radio” and “Ruthless Villain”, is that true?
MC Ren: Nah. Most of the time he had the words right in front of him, so he’d never go in the booth and try to do the songs from memory. He’d just go in there with his paper and bust the lyrics. If somebody wrote him a rhyme, we’d just give him the paper. He’d go in there, and we’d coach him on how to say that shit.
DX: After N.W.A. became a household name, the FBI stepped to you guys with a letter regarding “Fuck the Police.” You guys got them back on “100 Miles and Runnin’,” but what was your initial response to seeing the letter?
MC Ren: Shit, we was happy! It was free publicity for us, and we weren’t even trippin’ off that letter. It was the record company and the [executives] who were scared. A letter? That was nothing.
I was watching [N.W.A.: The World’s Most Dangerous Group], and Cube was talking about that letter. He was like, “Man, we’ve dealt with all kinds of shit, and y’all tripping off a letter? It’s not like the letter has a mouth. The letter can’t jump up and just shoot up everybody in the room.” He said it just right, because that’s exactly how we all felt.
DX: True. Since we’re talking “100 Miles and Runnin’,”what made you sample The Warriors. You know the breakdown where the chick starts talking, and then she goes into Martha & The Vandellas just like in the movie?
MC Ren: Yeah, Dre put that in there. He used to do all the fill-ins. Actually they had somebody come in there and say that part. It sounds like the clip from the movie, but they had somebody come in.
DX: So, just out of curiosity, are you a fan of the movie?
MC Ren: Hell yeah, I love The Warriors. I remember being little and watching it back in the day when that shit first came out. That shit is hard. I’ve got the DVD somewhere around here. Everybody likes that movie. It’s classic, and that shit is comedy.
DX: Niggaz4Life would be the last N.W.A. album, and afterward we heard a lot from Dre and Ice Cube about Jerry Heller skimming money off the top. As someone who stayed with Ruthless, did you experience that too?
MC Ren: Everybody there had experiences with that shit. A lot of people had problems with it, and a lot of people had problems with Jerry. When it was just us from the group together out on the road or something, we’d voice our opinion. We’d ask, “Why is he getting paid this amount and we’re not?” That’s where a lot of that tension and all that other shit came in. It all started over that.
We felt he didn’t deserve what he was getting. We deserved that shit. We were the ones making the records, traveling in vans and driving all around the place. You do all those fucking shows trying to get known, and then you come home to a fucking apartment. Then you go to his house, and this motherfucker lives in a mansion. There’s gold leaf trimmings all in the bathroom and all kinds of other shit. You’re thinking, “Man, fuck that.”
Everybody knows what happened. A lot of times you see Jerry talking about that shit, and he’s acting like George Bush or [John] McCain—like nothing wrong happened. He’ll say some shit like, “Everything was alright. They got what they deserved.” And I’m like, “Man, c’mon.” We were supposed to get super paid off of the first album, as big as it was and as many copies as it sold. But we didn’t really know the ins and outs of the business side, and certain people did. Those were the ones who took advantage of everybody.
DX: Cube and Dre were both on bad terms with Eazy before he was diagnosed with AIDS. Did you and he get to talk before he passed?
MC Ren: Yeah, we did. It was a time when we weren’t even talking. Everybody was doing their own thing. I remember he called me, and he was telling me about this and that. Then he started talking about getting N.W.A. back together. I was like, “Yeah.” Then he asked me to get on his album, and that was the last one he did, Str8 Off the Streets of Muthaphuckin’ Compton. I agreed, and we hooked up at his house. Me, him and Yella did [“Tha Muthafuckin Real”] [click to read]. We were all talking, and he was talking about everybody hooking up to do the N.W.A. thing. Right after we did that song, that was the last time I saw him. I heard he was in the hospital about a week or two later, and then that was it.
DX: Considering all the drama that went down, why stay with Ruthless after that?
MC Ren: It was a lot of shit going on, but after he passed, I had a lot of meetings with everyone who was about to take over. At the time, that’s where I wanted to stay. I had been there so long, and I didn’t want to go somewhere else and have the label put me in the mix with their other artists. They told me I could still do whatever I wanted to do. At that time, a lot of labels weren’t doing that. They’d bring people in to try to change your image and all that. Ruthless was like, “Shit, just do you.” So I just kept putting my shit out.
DX: There was a lot of young talent on the label then. You had Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, Black Eyed Peas, Kokane and Baby S. Were they all looking up to you as the OG?
MC Ren: When Bone was recording, I wasn’t really around for a lot of the studio sessions. I would be off doing some other shit. A little after that, I was on tour with Bone. We kicked it, and I got a chance to meet a lot of them dudes. It was cool, and it’s nothing but love to this day.
DX: Did you ever see the potential in any of those acts to become as big as they eventually did?
MC Ren: I really saw it in Bone. When Eric was still alive, he had other artists. But he was putting his everything into Bone, and they were really tight. He was so pumped up over Bone. They did exactly what he thought they were gonna do, but he didn’t get to see it. They really blew up, man. So, yeah, back then I definitely saw the potential in Bone.
DX: I want to get into your solo work for a minute. Around 1993, you dropped Shock of the Hour, which was different from anything you had done as a soloist or a member of NWA. What was your frame of mind going into that album?
MC Ren: Man, Shock of the Hour was just me coming into Islam. I had a lot of new ideas, and I had a big perspective on life. I looked at everything different. When you listen to that album, I recorded the first half right when I was thinking about falling into the Nation of Islam. Then the whole second half is songs I made after I fell in. I was like, “Okay, let me go.”
But I didn’t want to make the whole album like that, so I said, “Shit, I’m keeping everything I did.” I let everybody hear what I did on the first part, and then the second part allows you vibe to what I was doing at the time.
DX: Yeah, you definitely get the sense of growth and the impact of your conversion as the album progresses. A few years later, you converted to Orthodox Islam right?
MC Ren: Right.
DX: This is a little off topic, but a few weeks ago, we asked a few emcees to speak on the passing of Imam W.D. Muhammad. What was your initial reaction?
MC Ren: Man, I was shocked. I didn’t even know, but my wife saw it on the Internet. I was just like, “Damn. I ain’t seen nothing on the news or anywhere else.”
DX: Exactly.
MC Ren: They didn’t show him one time. You feel what I’m saying? Nobody talked about it, and it didn’t even make the news. They show so much bullshit on the news, and you’d think his passing would’ve at least been on there. We’re talking about Elijah Muhammad’s son Wallace. Come on, this is Warith Deen. But that’s how the media is. Everyone acts like they’re scared.
DX: I just had to sneak that in there. We couldn’t get anybody to weigh in on it that week.
MC Ren: Well you’ve got me.
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Body Gardd
Body Gardd

Messages : 37
Date d'inscription : 28/07/2009

MC Ren Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MC Ren   MC Ren EmptyMar 28 Juil - 23:11

Partie 2 :

Citation :
DX: No doubt. Getting back to the music, the next album, Ruthless for Life, featured 8Ball & MJG on “Who in the Fuck." How did you guys make that happen?
MC Ren: They had this song I heard back in the day called “Space Age Pimpin’” .I was out of town when I heard it, and I remember thinking, “Damn, this shit is hard. These niggas is tight.” I listened to that song all day over and over and over. I remember seeing their video when they first came out, but I can’t remember the name of the song. After I heard that “Space Age Pimpin,’” I was like, “Man, I gotta work with these fools.”
So I got on the phone, and I told Ruthless to get in contact with Suave House so I could fuck with ‘Ball & G. They hooked it up, and I went down to Houston, ‘cause that’s where Suave House was at the time. We hooked up with the homie T-Mixx, who did the track for “Space Age Pimpin’.” We all just got together and knocked that shit out, and it came out cool as fuck.
DX: It’s interesting that you guys got together, because a lot of artists in your position think they’re too big to do those types of records.
MC Ren: Yeah, some people trip like that, but I don’t. If like you, I’m gonna try to work together. I don’t usually work with a lot of motherfuckers. But if I like you, I’m gonna work with you.
DX: After almost disappearing for a while, you resurfaced in 2001 with “Hello,” “Chin Check” and cameos on both Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre’s albums. During that time did you entertain thoughts of a major come back.
MC Ren: Yeah, I did. At that time I got a few offers for an album. Motherfuckers were coming out getting all this money. People were coming out with a little buzz, but they’d still walk into the label and get a million bucks for their advance. I was like, “I was signed to motherfuckers for so long. And if I’m gonna fuck with your label, you’re gonna have to break me off, cuzz.”
Back in the day, it was kind of cool. You could get the lower advance and end up keeping more money on the back end. But if you take less and they don’t push your album correctly, you just walk away from that motherfucker with less. And you end up in the red on top of that. Next thing you know they’re telling you, “Oh we had to buy this, this and that. Your album flopped.”
So around 2000, maybe 2001, I decided a motherfucker would have to break me off at least a million up front. That way, just in case they fucked my shit up, I still would get $1 million out of it. The game has changed to the point where if a major label isn’t willing to break me off, then I can just do the shit myself.
DX: These days, Dre is promoting a line of headphones and different types of liquor, and we all know Ice Cube is doing films on the side. Yella is directing pornos. What is MC Ren up to outside the realm of Hip Hop?
MC Ren: Outside of music, I have a radio show that’s starting on the 29th of this month. It’ll be on 92.5 KYHY, and people can catch that at www.925burbank.com. I’m doing radio, and I’ve got some other shit in the works. The company I’m working with told me don’t speak on it right now, so I gotta keep my mouth shut. As soon as it happens though, I’ll let you know, dog. It’s gonna be big.
DX: I also read somewhere that you were into Ancient Egypt and Kimetic culture.
MC Ren: Yeah, man. I went out there in 1995 on a study group with Ashwa Kwesi. That shit just blew my mind, so I’m all into that. They were making shit perfectly thousands of years ago, and they can’t even recreate some of it today. That is straight up mind-boggling.
DX: Absolutely. You guys were doing something very similar in terms of Hip Hop and you ended up being associated with the terms “gangster” and “gangster rap.” Since the definition has gotten twisted over the years, what do you define as gangster?
MC Ren: Well, we never called it gangster rap. They just threw that shit on us. We used to just say our shit was hardcore or underground. Today, it’s so garbage. Gangster rap—that shit don’t even sound right. It sounds like some made up, garbage shit. And you’ve got a lot of niggas running around talking about they’re gangster rappers. It just sounds crazy to me, because I’m not a gangster rapper. Motherfuckers might label me that, but if they ask me, I tell them, “Man, I ain’t no gangster rapper.”
DX: Correct me if I’m wrong, but “Gangsta Gangsta” was about the only time you guys actually used the word in reference to yourselves. How did that label get associated with N.W.A.?
MC Ren: Man, it was this interview we did with this motherfucker. I think he was from the Los Angeles Times. This white dude comes to Eric’s house, and he was scared. Actually we were in Compton at Eric’s mom’s house. So he did a little interview and took some pictures of us and shit. He was so scared, man. He had nothing to be afraid of, but you could physically see him shaking. After we saw how nervous he was, Eric went in the house and got a gang of guns. Dude backed up and then tried to sit back down. But he was shaking so hard that he must’ve moved, because this fool missed the chair and fell on the grass.
When he left we were laughing like a motherfucker. Everybody was just going, “What the fuck is he scared of?” You could just see the expression on his face like, “Oh damn, I’m about to die.” I guess he got back to his office like, “These are some gangster rappers!” So he put that shit in the article, and ever since then that’s what it was.
DX: Compton has a ridiculous history, in terms of Hip Hop. After your generation there was Quik, MC Eiht, The Game and others. What is it about Compton that produces all this good music?
MC Ren: Back then, I just believe the west was rising at that time. New York was dominating everything, and everybody I knew in Compton was just grinding. It was just great competition. Everybody out here wanted to be the best and compete with New York. I think that had a lot to do with the music. We used to be in the studio saying we wanted to outdo this person or that person. That motivated us to a point where we said, “We gotta make our shit the hardest out.” Then you’ve got them saying, “Man, we gotta outdo N.W.A.” We were getting a lot of the shine on the west coast, so they were thinking, “Man, we gotta outdo them niggas.” But, you know, it is what it is.
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Messages : 403
Date d'inscription : 13/06/2009
Localisation : Ajaccio

MC Ren Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MC Ren   MC Ren EmptyMer 29 Juil - 2:36

Un bon ! J'kiff bien ce qu'il fait, mais je dois avouer que je prefère Cube et Eazy E avant lui.
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Messages : 27
Date d'inscription : 08/07/2009

MC Ren Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MC Ren   MC Ren EmptyMer 29 Juil - 11:23

Body Gardd a écrit:
Pour faire vite fait, Ren parle de son expérience avec NWA, tout le buzz que le groupe avait créé, le comment les postes de radio et les autorités ont décidés d'agir avec leurs texte très provocateurs envers les pliciers, il dit aussi que certainnes personnes considèraient les mebres du groupe comme des dangereux, ensuite il explique la chicane qui a conduit a la fin du groupe...
Ren parle aussi de sa collaboration sur l'album 2001 de dre;
Il parle aussi de ses croyences religieuses, le pourquoi il a décidé d'entrer dans la communoté de l'islam;
Il parle aussi qu'il a déja voulu faire un gros come-back mais il a abandonné le tout, il a déja eu des rumeurs qu'il sortirait un album en 2006...
Les fans attendent encore un come back du mec...

Tu es mal informé, parce que Ren devrait normalement faire son retour sur le devant de la scène en fin d'année 2009. Il a lui-même déclaré il y a quelques jours que l'album était fini à 70 %. “Actuellement, l’album est prêt à 70%. C’est chaud. Je suis vraiement excité car j’ai travaillé cet opus comme je l'avait fait il y a maintenant plus de onze ans.” Ce skeud devrait s'appellera "Renincarnated".

Perso j'attends cela avec impatience mais faut voir si il est aussi bon qu'auparavant, ce qui est loin d'être certain...
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Body Gardd
Body Gardd

Messages : 37
Date d'inscription : 28/07/2009

MC Ren Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MC Ren   MC Ren EmptyMer 29 Juil - 17:24

Ouai mais il avait dit la même chose l'album il était supposé sortir en 2006 mais ren l'avait repousser... MC Ren 104699
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Body Gardd
Body Gardd

Messages : 37
Date d'inscription : 28/07/2009

MC Ren Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MC Ren   MC Ren EmptyMer 29 Juil - 17:28

Sinon t'aurais la source svp?!
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Messages : 27
Date d'inscription : 08/07/2009

MC Ren Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MC Ren   MC Ren EmptyMer 29 Juil - 19:45

La source c'est Hip Hop DX (http://www.hiphopdx.com/index/news/id.9491/title.mc-ren-to-release-first-album-in-11-years-details), tu peux t'y fier.

Ce n'est pas le même contexte qu'en 2006, là son album va sûrement sortir dans l'année, ce n'est pas qu'une vague idée de retour, il a déjà fini les 3/4 de son skeud donc ça m'étonnerait que celui-ci ne sorte pas.
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Body Gardd
Body Gardd

Messages : 37
Date d'inscription : 28/07/2009

MC Ren Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MC Ren   MC Ren EmptyMer 29 Juil - 20:08

Ouai mais je trouve surprenant qu'il n'y est aucune fuite ou single de sorties...
Sinon merci pour la source
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Messages : 27
Date d'inscription : 08/07/2009

MC Ren Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MC Ren   MC Ren EmptyMer 29 Juil - 20:16

S'il n'y a eu aucune fuite c'est sûrement parce que personne n'attendait de vrai retour de Ren, c'est donc lui-même qui l'a annoncé dans une interview faite par HipHopDX...
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Body Gardd
Body Gardd

Messages : 37
Date d'inscription : 28/07/2009

MC Ren Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MC Ren   MC Ren EmptyJeu 30 Juil - 2:39

D'accord, et en même temps je trouve que c'est mieux qu'il n'est aucunne fuite, comme cela on ne sait pas à quoi s'attendre jusqu'à la sortie de l'album ou jusqu'à la sortie d'un premier single officiel...
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Messages : 27
Date d'inscription : 08/07/2009

MC Ren Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MC Ren   MC Ren EmptyVen 31 Juil - 10:00

Body Gardd a écrit:
D'accord, et en même temps je trouve que c'est mieux qu'il n'est aucunne fuite, comme cela on ne sait pas à quoi s'attendre jusqu'à la sortie de l'album ou jusqu'à la sortie d'un premier single officiel...

Si, Ren a promis qu'il y aurait de l'AutoTune...

Ou pas :^_^:
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Messages : 32
Date d'inscription : 01/07/2009

MC Ren Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MC Ren   MC Ren EmptySam 1 Aoû - 16:24

Le voilà le 1er single du nouvel album de MC Ren (produit par Tha Chill et qu'en stream pour le moment):

Renincarnated > http://www.dubcnn.com/media/audio/mcrenincarnatedfinal/
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Messages : 56
Date d'inscription : 10/07/2009

MC Ren Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MC Ren   MC Ren EmptySam 1 Aoû - 20:54

Lourd !!
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Body Gardd
Body Gardd

Messages : 37
Date d'inscription : 28/07/2009

MC Ren Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MC Ren   MC Ren EmptyMar 4 Aoû - 17:08

Le single est vraiment lourd...
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MC Ren Empty
MessageSujet: Re: MC Ren   MC Ren Empty

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MC Ren
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